5 Mart 2015 Perşembe



ALINTIDIR- Sizlere faydalı olacağını düşünerek paylaşıyoruz, kaynak belli değildir.

Tümce Tamamlama
  • Verilen tümce bölümünün ana tümce mi yoksa yan tümce mi olabileceğini saptayın. Bunun için de clause marker ve Ö+Y+N yapısının incelenmesi gerekmekte.
  • Verilen seçenekler ile soru tümcesinin zamanlarının, öznelerinin ve var ise nesnelerinin uyumlu olup olmadığını saptayın.
  • Tamamlanmış tümcenin genel anlamını kontrol edin.
a) Relative Clause
That's the man ______.
A) who writes on wild flowers
B) is best qualified to help you
C) that he talked on ancient monuments
D) I went to the theatre with him
E) if only I could go to the lecture
b) Noun Clause
It is surprising ______.
A) so that his childhood was not spent very profitably 
B) that she had given in her resignation so suddenly 
C) where such accurate and detailed information had come from 
D) how much attention even the more serious newspaper will have given him 
E) how few people have ever seen an original Van Gogh painting
c) Adverbial Clause
This concept would be easy to illustrate and defend, ______.
A) however much time they can allow us
B) so long as they had provided us with adequate assistance
C) for there was a great deal of disagreement among the participants
D) if it were not for the fact that we haven't got accurate data
E) until the whole controversy had been ended
d) Comparison Clause
______, the more you realize how complicated it is.
A) The more you think about the problem
B) The less importance you give to your health
C) The more remarkable his achievement was
D) The longer it has taken them to complete the dam
E) The fewer the people who are involved
e) Coordination ve diğer yapılar
I cannot repair the washing machine myself, _________.
A) unless Bill had offered to help me
B) so I will have to get someone to do it for me
C) if I knew where the problem was
D) that it has broken down
E) if you haven't managed it
¨ Eksik olan ana tümce ise
Yan tümcedeki clause marker yolu ile tümce türünü saptayın.
- Adverbial Clause ve coordination yapılarda ana tümcenin zamanı ile yan tümcenin zamanının uyumlu olmasına dikkat edin.
- Relative Clause yapıda isim + who/which/that uyumuna ve verilen seçenekler içinde tümceyi bir relative clause haline getirebilecek olan(lar) varsa, hatalı noun/pronoun tekrarına dikkat edin.
- Sentential Relative Clause ve Non-defining Relative Clause yapılara dikkat edin.
Seçenekleri eleyin.
Birden fazla seçenek kalırsa, önce yapı, sonra da anlam açısından uygunluğunu denetleyin.
¨ Eksik olan yan tümce ise
Seçeneklerde verilen yan tümce ile soru kökündeki ana tümce arasındaki zaman uyumu ve özne uyumunu denetleyin.
Seçenekleri eleyin.
Birden fazla seçenek kalırsa, önce yapı, sonra da anlam açısından uygunluğunu denetleyin.

Aşağıda örnek olarak 16 tümce tamamlama sorusu verildi.
Yanıtlar bütün sorulardan sonra gelmekte.
1. If your boss asked you to take on extra work without more pay, ..... ?
A) have you discussed the matter with him
B) would you agree to do so
C) why do you think he may have suggested this
D) what was the reaction of your colleagues
E) will you resign at once
2. The company will need fewer office workers ..... .
A) since some were looking for jobs with other firms
B) when the computer network has been installed
C) as long as the sales continues to increase
D) in order to discuss ways of combating unemployment
E) even though the current economic recession is likely to continue for another six months
3. Darwin's theory of evolution was based on the observation ..... .
A) while amassing evidence for 25 years in support of it
B) why many people of his age were reluctant to admit it
C) whether his insight really was revolutionary
D) that all individuals of the same species are not identical
E) since the multiplicity of forms seemed unending
4. Though the term "human right" is of recent origin, ..... .
A) there are certain actions that are never permissible and certain freedoms that should never be invaded
B) after 1933 the Western world realized that it was living in an age of totalitarian dictatorship far worse than old monarchic absolutism
C) natural rights can be seen in their origins as claims that everyone naturally makes
D) some politicians claim that any doctrine of human rights must be in some sense a doctrine of natural rights
E) the idea itself can be traced back through John Locke in the seventeenth-century to the great philosophers of classical antiquity
5. As unemployment is currently a major social issue, ..... .
A) the strikes have greatly crippled the industry and, consequently, the export of manufactured goods has come to a standstill
B) the measures introduced had little effect on the improvement of the country's economic performance
C) its worst economic effects have been partly softened by the government's introduction of unemployment compensation
D) the economic prospect was far from encouraging
E) people are not working as hard as their belief in the work ethic indicates that they should be
6. Earlier this century, Chicago acquired a reputation for colourful politicians, newspapermen and gangsters, ..... .
A) simply because commerce has been the key to the city's development
B) just as today Chicago remains a city of ethnic neighbourhoods
C) even though the city has become a centre for meat products
D) but its cultural life was less well known then
E) as it is located at the conjunction of the Great Lakes and surrounded by the productive farmlands of the Midwest
7. Dramatic cultural changes have been taking place in the United States ..... .
A) ever since non-European immigrants began to pour into the country
B) until new regulations concerning immigrants were introduced.
C) which started at the turn of the century
D) some of which would have been regarded as harmful
E) as soon as World War II ended
8. When a firm wants to fill a vacancy, ..... .
A) there are always staff who want to leave for various reasons
B) the candidates have all been required to write an essay on the current economic situation in Europe
C) the applicants were invited for an interview before a committee of specialists
D) it is essential that future managers must be trained as thoroughly as possible
E) it usually puts an advertisement in a newspaper
9. ..... , he refuses to accept any of their suggestions.
A) Even though the committee members had approved the plan in full
B) While the speaker considers politics to be the art of persuasion
C) Since he is so prejudiced in this matter
D) Because the discussions at the conference would have included a wide range of issues
E) If they told him that he had to make up his mind as soon as possible
10. ..... , you get magnificent views of the oak-covered slopes of these coastal mountain ranges that rise up from the Pacific.
A) If only the new road had been opened
B) As they headed for San Francisco
C) However unfairly the state of the roads was being attacked
D) Even though a great deal of money went into constructing the road
E) As you drive along the coast road
11. One of the best suggestions was put forward by Dr Johnson, ...... .
A) that the managing director was especially impressed.
B) who is generally the quietest member of the board
C) though the demands might be difficult to meet
D) unless it was approved by the committee
E) before anyone else has time to make any contribution to the discussion
12. Although the effects of famine have been made worse by the political instability in the country, ..... .
A) the West would have shown its sympathy in a most generous manner
B) it was beyond the power of any government to undertake the responsibility
C) a fair distribution of the available food will have been achieved
D) so one disaster was naturally followed by another
E) food is now being distributed wherever it is needed
13. ....., but it is not the only one.
A) Newspaper prices have risen dramatically in recent years
B) Most diseases are caused by germs and bad hygiene
C) Technological competition is a serious problem for the book industry
D) The printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany, in the thirteenth century
E) They rebuked the witnesses for their disrespectful behaviour during the trial
14. Construction workers will go on strike next Sunday ..... .
A) that they negotiated for over five hours and were unable to reach an agreement with the management.
B) so long as the only solution for a settlement is an independent enquiry into their working conditions
C) because the two sides have done their best to settle their dispute by bargaining
D) in case the workers were asked to compromise and accept a pay rise of 20 %
E) unless the management agrees to accept their claim for a 50 % pay increase
15. ..... , some of America's most innovative architects set about rebuilding it in a bold style known as "Chicago school".
A) After a great fire destroyed much of Chicago in 1871
B) While Chicago was soon to emerge as the literary capital of the United States
C) Because Chicago had traditionally been regarded as the great laboratory of American democracy
D) As immigrants from many European countries had settled in ethnic enclaves in Chicago
E) As long as Chicago remains the gateway to the rest of the nation for food products and industrial opportunities
16. ..... that they will be made redundant once the office has been computerized.
A) They called off the strike
B) The board of directors discussed the matter fully
C) The management adopted new marketing policies
D) The prospect for the company looks rather gloomy
E) Most of the staff are certain

1. If your boss asked you to take on extra work without more pay, would you agree to do so?
  Second condition. Yanıt B.
2. The company will need fewer office workers when the computer network has been installed.
  Dilbilgisi ipuçlarından yola çıkılırsa bir tek A seçeneği elenebilir. Since sözcüğü -den beri anlamını taşımamakta, çünkü ana tümcenin yüklemi present perfect değil. Because anlamını taşıyorsa, bu durumda da anlamsal olarak will need uymuyor. Anlamsal açıdan yola çıkıldığında, daha az çalışana gerek olacağına göre, C, D ve E anlamsız. Yanıt B
3. Darwin's theory of evolution was based on the observation that all individuals of the same species are not identical.
  Boşlukta, observation ile neyin anlatılmak istendiği açıklanmakta. Yanıt D.
4. Though the term "human right" is of recent origin, the idea itself can be traced back through John Locke in the seventeenth-century to the great philosophers of classical antiquity.
  Tümce Though ile başladığına göre, boşluğa gelen bölümde karşıt bir durum/fikir dile getirilmeli. E seçeneğinde bu düşüncenin ne kadar eskilere uzandığı anlatılmakta.
5. As unemployment is currently a major social issue, its worst economic effects have been partly softened by the government's introduction of unemployment compensation.
  Verilen soru kökünde unemployment anahtar sözcük. Seçeneklerden yalnızca C seçeneğinde unemployment ele alınmakta.
6. Earlier this century, Chicago acquired a reputation for colourful politicians, newspapermen and gangsters, but its cultural life was less well known then.
  Tümcede zaman belirten Earlier this century bulunmakta. Bu durumda A elenebilir. Diğer seçenekler anlamsal açıdan incelendiğinde, yanıt D
7. Dramatic cultural changes have been taking place in the United States ever since non-European immigrants began to pour into the country.
  Tümce present perfect continuous taşıdığına göre, ilk bakılması gereken, bu tense ile uyumlu zaman yapıları. Yanıt A.
8. When a firm wants to fill a vacancy, it usually puts an advertisement in a newspaper.
  Tümce When ile başladığı için, öncelikle zaman uyumuna bakmak gerekir. C seçeneği elenir. Anlamsal açıdan en uygun seçenek E.
9. Since he is so prejudiced in this matter, he refuses to accept any of their suggestions.
  A, D ve E seçenekleri zaman uyumu açısından elenebilir. Anlamsal olarak C en uygun seçenek.
As you drive along the coast road, you get magnificent views of the oak-covered slopes of these coastal mountain ranges that rise up from the Pacific.
A, B, C ve D zaman uyumu açısından elenebilir. Yanıt E.
One of the best suggestions was put forward by Dr Johnson, who is generally the quietest member of the board.
A seçeneğinde, that sözcüğü noun clause için kullanılıyor olsa, nitelendirdiği bir eylem yok. Relative clause olamaz çünkü virgülden sonra that gelmez. C en yakın çeldirici. D seçeneği anlamsal olarak uyumsuz. E seçeneğinde soru kökünün zamanı ile uyumsuzluk var. Yanıt B.
Although the effects of famine have been made worse by the political instability in the country, food is now being distributed wherever it is needed.
Tümce Although ile başlıyor ve olumsuz bir durum sunuluyor. E seçeneği ise durumun düzelmekte olduğunu anlatıyor. Yanıt E.
Technological competition is a serious problem for the book industry, but it is not the only one.
Tümcededeki one sözcüğü, boşluğa gelecek tümcede bir noun ile ilişkili olmalı. A (prices), B (diseases) ve E (witnesses) çoğul ad taşıdıkları için elenmeli. Anlamsal olarak en uygun yanıt C.
Construction workers will go on strike next Sunday unless the management agrees to accept their claim for a 50 % pay increase.
A seçeneğinde that sözcüğü uygunsuz. B ve C seçenekleri anlamsal olarak uymamakta. D seçeneğinde zaman uyumu yok. Yanıt E.
After a great fire destroyed much of Chicago in 1871, some America's most innovative architects set about rebuilding it in a bold style known as "Chicago school".
Tümcede rebuilding geçtiğine göre, buna neden olacak birşeylerin aranması gerekir. Yanıt A.
Most of the staff are certain that they will be made redundant once the office has been computerized.
A, B ve C seçeneklerinden biri doğru olsa, soru tümcesinin yükleminin would be olması gerekirdi. E tümcesindeki çoğul özne, soru kökündeki they sözcüğüne uygun olduğu için yanıt E.

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